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       I took this class during my last semester of high school, and it was a bit tough at times. I worried if I'd struggle even more in college. But being near summer now, I've learned a bunch of things that make me feel way more confident about my writing skills. This class lasted for 16 weeks, giving me plenty of time to go through my essays and fix them up as best as I could.
      I had to write two main essays for this class: one arguing a point and one analyzing an author. Both of mine were about sports concussions and how to make sports safer, while also examining the idea of absurdism from the perspective of Albert Camus. The rhetorical analysis essay was where I really learned the most. I learned about how Camus viewed how he believed we should live life. My main point in the argument proposal essay was that education on concussion symptoms and preventive actions can help athletes protect themselves from head injuries. There are no solutions to completely get rid of head injuries as a whole but there are ways to minimize the chance and risk of head injuries occurring. 
        This class also taught me a lot about citing sources, which was kind of confusing at first. I was used to using the MLA format, but this class used APA, which was a completely new format for me to learn and follow this year. Figuring out where to put the citations in my sentences and how to format my works cited page was tricky at first, but I got the hang of it eventually.
       Overall, I've learned a ton in this class, and I'm going to keep using what I learned in the future. It's taught me how to deal with uncharted territory and how to keep trying at something, which will be very important in my future. I'd definitely take this class again, and I'd tell my friends to do the same because there's so much you can learn here.

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